
Detoxing is another controversial topic in the health industry today. Is it important to detox? Is detoxing good or bad for my body, when should we detox and how long should we detox for? What’s the right detox program for me? There is no right or wrong answer as we...

Protein ‘chocolate’ truffles

Protein ‘chocolate’ truffles Ingredients: (5 truffles) – 2 scoops (50g) whey protein powder (chocolate flavour) – 15 g pecan nuts (cut into fine pieces) – 50 g almond puree – 25 g lactose free milk (you can also use almond milk or water)...

Your best body at 40

Your best body at 40 Are you over 40 and feel like your body just cant do the things you could when you were in your thirties? There is a reason for that. Its called letting your body age. I want to be clear with something here and as I may have some people debating...

New Year’s Guilt Trips

New Year’s Guilt Trips At the beginning of each year I get approached by both new and current members about how we can reach their New Year’s resolutions. These resolutions are generally revolved around fat loss thought to have been gained over the Christmas/New Year...