What are your Fitness Goals after Christmas and for the new year?

Over the last 19 years of being in the health and fitness industry I have been approached daily by clients and people wanting to start their journey to achieving their health and fitness goals. The time I find this question is asked the most is at the beginning of the year. Working towards their New Year’s resolutions.
These New years resolutions generally revolve around weight loss gained over time and thought to be only put on over the Christmas period. The truth of the matter is that this excess body fat has been slowly put on over previous months/years. It is then guilt that drives people to make fitness resolutions knowing they have been lazy.
You can’t get fat from eating and drinking over the Christmas period week. There could be a little fat added but not overly excessive. Obviously you aren’t doing your body any good by eating and drinking this way but in saying that it takes time to gain a lot of body fat and good solid nutrition/training plan and hard work to burn it.
Whatever your aim, to succeed you must stay consistent and on track. Being consistent with your training and nutrition will be a sure way to achieve the result your after. A quality exercise regime balanced with the right eating plan maintained is the only way to really achieve your goals as well as keeping your health on track.
Regular exercise can have positive effects with preventing and/or managing diabetes, cardiovascular disease, obesity, mental health, respiratory ailments such as asthma, osteoporosis not to mention the obvious benefits of looking and feeling better with your added muscle and leaner physique.
So the bottom line is exercise is the best preventative medicine at your disposal. But keep in mind the importance not creating a quick fix to lose unwanted body fat and create a plan with both training and nutrition you can stick to and enjoy for lifelong change.
There is no quick fix. Just good solid hard work and persistence and you will have the result you want.

Your body is a temple, but only if you treat it as one.” ~Astrid Alauda