5 Tips to help you remove self – doubt

1. Surround yourself with positive people

They say that the 5 people you surround yourself with most will ultimately decide where you go with your life. You may have noticed in business; successful people usually surround other successful people. The same should apply with your fitness. If you are hanging out with people that are out of shape, lack ambition and motivation you are likely to be on the same path they are on. What’s worse is when you try and separate yourself from that lifestyle and people with no ambition, they will do what they can to detour you from your goals and try and hold you back. You will be met with negative comments; and they will try and put doubt in your head, don’t allow this. They see the positive changes you are making and that can incite fear in them that they too will have to make change to be accepted. If you want to be your best, surround yourself with the best.

2. We are all on the same path

Do not let yourself get intimidated by anyone else. Realize that everyone there is trying to do the same thing, better him or herself. The path to increase one’s performance and overall health can be harder for some than it is for others. This is a journey that we all share, our destination may be different but we are on the same path. Whether you are a beginner or advanced; go in each day and do the best YOU can do and leave the intimidation factor at the door. Everyone starts at the beginning and nobody knows it all, so don’t let someone’s opinions or their physical condition detour you from becoming a better you. If you are a beginner, look to the advanced for inspiration. Ask questions; get advice, continue to educate yourself. See their knowledge and experience as an opportunity for your own growth. These people were once were you are at now and got to where they are today by doing the same things.

3. The only person that can tell you that you can’t is you

Time and time again I hear people say someone told them that they couldn’t achieve something. Just like on the commonwealth bank ad, CAN’T is a word that needs to be eliminated from your vocabulary. Not only does it bring you down, but it also brings the people around you down. If you want something, go get it-period. The only person that can tell you that you can’t is you, and the best thing about that is you don’t have to listen. Start asking yourself better questions like what do I need to do to lose body fat as opposed to saying to yourself why cant I lose this weight. The questions you ask will trigger your brain to find that answer. People that are incapable or just too lazy to do what it is you’re trying to achieve will rebel and tell you that you can’t. They will make you doubt yourself, and make you think that your goals/dreams are not achievable, so you give up. Instead use this negativity as fuel and prove these people and even yourself wrong. With each thing you achieve that you previously thought you couldn’t, you will gain confidence that you can in fact achieve whatever you want in life. If we did all the things we are capable of, we would literally astound ourselves. So don’t let others judge you; by them telling you that you can’t, that is exactly what they are doing-judging you. Speak with your actions and show them and yourself your true capabilities. In the end your greatness will silence them all.

4. Have a purpose

When you have a purpose, you have a much better chance in achieving what you want than if you didn’t have one. If you go into a gym with no drive, purpose, or motivational factor to push you- in most cases you will fail. You do not see results so you start to doubt everything that you do and eventually quit. To be successful, and to eliminate this doubt, set goals- I suggest you write them down. If you only have goals in your head they can change day to day based on your energy level or your mood. When you write your goals down they are concrete, you can hold them, and they are right in front of you rather than floating around in your head somewhere. As you achieve these goals check them off, they will be a reminder of your success and give you that drive you need to continue on your fitness journey. As you achieve your goals, continue to set more. Set present, short term, and long-term goals. If you’re only looking at the destination and don’t focus on the journey itself; the end goal will seem unattainable and you can be overwhelmed, and doubt will emerge and take over. Take joy in your small victories; they build on one another until you reach your destination.

5. Be patient

If you are overweight, did you just suddenly wake up one morning with a 20kg spare tire around your midsection and bum? I’m guessing no. It took considerable time and consistent poor choices and bad habits to get that spare tire. So when you do decide to make a positive change in your life, don’t expect to eat well and exercise for a few days and hey presto its gone. It takes time. So lower your expectations look at the bigger picture and be in this for the long haul. Reach your goals, lose the weight but realize this is a lifelong journey, create good eating and exercise habits, create a new lifestyle for yourself, and stick to it, then you’ll never have to wake up with a spare tire again!

The fears in your head will be a result of your own thoughts. Right 4-5 questions down to read each morning when you wake up to start the day off in a positive way and manifest those thoughts so your brain is searching for the right answers. Go to bed reading what you have written down that you’re most grateful for in life. Start making this a regular habit for 30 days and see the difference.