Reasons your NOT losing Body Fat

Not Eating Enough

Your body requires a certain amount of food per day to survive. And run optimally. Not only will you cause your body health issues with eating too little but your goal of losing body fat will come to a halt very quickly.
See if your eating to little, your body will go through changes through your enzymatic process, which tells your metabolism to cool down. See the more heat you can produce in your body the better and in your Dietary intake that comes from enough calories and eating a good balance of wholesome quality macronutrients (Protein, carbohydrates, fats, water, fibre)

Blood sugar levels not balanced

If you are someone who craves sweets, eats sweets, looking for more food between meals, eat processed carbohydrates you may fall into the category of having a blood sugar imbalance.
Fat Loss will be a real mission when you have created this for your body. The hormone Insulin is responsible to shuttling blood glucose from your blood stream to your cells and has to shuttle that glucose to wither your Muscle or your Fat cells.
Removing all processed carbohydrate, refined sugar products, sauces and refined grains and replacing that with good quality proteins such as lean beef, chicken, turkey, eggs, fish, healthy fats such as avocado, mixed nuts and oils like macadamia, olive and coconut as well as quality fruit and vegetables, will lead you to heating that metabolism up to burn more of that unwanted body fat.

Magnesium Deficiency

Not making the right choices
Your body is expecting to have a good balance of macronutrients (protein, carbohydrates, fats, water, fibre) throughout the day.
The choices you make will determine how your body will function and look.
The more you try to eat foods such as low-carb pasta, low fat cereals, meal replacement bars/balls to get the optimal functioning your after will not give you the result your after. It just doesn’t compare to whole foods that are rich in vitamins and minerals, which your body craves such as fruits, vegetables, wild proteins, high fibre carbohydrates and a lot of water throughout the day.
Get the right balance and get the result your after!

Your body is rundown

There will be times in your training life where you will feel tired, un motivated, irritable, emotional, not able to sleep properly, lost appetite. Well you have to listen to your body here and be aware of why its feeling like that whether it’s a deficiency in nutrients or your training is intense without the right amount of food coming in through the day. When you constantly activate your adrenal glands your releasing cortisol (stress hormone). There is positives in your body releasing cortisol but when its released excessively your body will not burn fat.
Listen to your what your body is telling you and take a look at why it could be. If you do feel like that just write down everything your doing from training, food intake, fluid intake (even alcohol), sleep cycle, work stress and take it from there. If you cant see the issue on paper go to a trained professional to get some guidance on how you can improve it to keep you on track.

Poor Gut Health

If your Gut health isn’t functioning right it can affect your immune system, blood sugar balance and can create hormonal imbalances. This will make it a lot harder for your body to lose body fat. Your digestive system needs to run optimally to break down all your foods efficiently and prevent your body from health issues. Get yourself a good probiotic and keep up your high fibrous vegetable and fruit.

Lack of progression in training

Whether its Body fat your wanting to lose or gaining muscle or just increasing your general fitness you must always keep your training progressing. I’ve seen too many times with training that people start to get concerned or disheartened when they stop seeing a result after 4-6 weeks when the nervous system adapts to what you are doing. In this case you have to always be aware your body will progress when you add continuous progression. Keep the progression at that 1-2 % gain each week instead of trying 10% each time. This will lead to plateau very quick in your training.
Keep a journal of your training and food and always keep changing what is needed to get you closer to your goal.