Periodisation and the importance in getting your desired physique

Firstly lets take a brief look at what periodisation is and how it can benefit your training.
Periodisation is when you manipulate your training program or structured dietary plan to have you at your desired outcome at a time point set by you
eg. You want to peak for a bodybuilding show in September of that year but start in May with a structured plan and cycle that plan in 2-3 week blocks to bring you in to your peak physique for that date.
Periodisation can range from simply going from hard and heavy sessions based on strength to slightly lighter but more volumised sessions to keep the nervous system from adapting to those heavier movements or can get more complex with creating programs based on micro, meso and macro cycles that involves a lot more planning for multiple competitions.

When getting a plan ready the things to consider are:

1. Intensity of sessions

2. Progression of each session
3. Specificity to the event to wish to compete at or desired goal
4. Individuality – body type of person, genetics, injuries
5. Adaptability – training with a periodised plan will give your body a higher training stimulus therefore making it essential for your body to get the correct recovery process. Constant change whether its progression or change of plan (new intensity technique, rep range, rest times, tempos) will bring on improvements to your physique considering your recovery process is in order
6. Recovery. – sufficient rest between workouts, well designed food plan and supplement plan according to your activity level, age, body fat level, body type

A peridosised plan will be divided in three phases:
1. Preparation phase – which will lead you up to your desired outcome whether it is for competition or a desired goal e.g. body fat down to a certain %, or muscle gain of 2kg

2. Competition phase – peaking on certain dates for competition or have body fat % down to 8% by this date leading into summer etc

3. Transition Phase – a phase decreasing loads yet still training so you don’t lose conditioning and get your body recovering from your plan leading to your competition

So as you can see a well designed periodised plan is essential for getting your desired result regardless for competition or not.
If your results have stagnated and want to get to the next level its worth structuring your plan to keep your body constantly improving.

You’ll love the final result!