How much do the calories in alcohol affect your weight loss? Does a few drinks each night or weekend really make that much difference? Lets look at the reasons why alcohol consumption might be holding your weight loss back!

Just like any food or drink you consume (except water) alcoholic drinks contain energy or calories. There are 7 calories per gram of alcohol (29kJ), second only to fat (9 calories per gram) in energy concentration. A ‘standard’ alcoholic drink contains 8 grams of alcohol, which is equal to 56 calories from the alcohol alone (not to mention sugars that are also present).

The other downside of alcohol is that a ‘standard’ drink isn’t so standard anymore! One pint of beer has 2.5 units of alcohol, a 125ml glass of wine (this is a small glass!) has 1.5 units, and a nip of spirits is 1 unit. The original guidelines for standard drink sizes have become outdated as in Australia we serve stronger beer (5% not 3%), stronger wine (13% not 10%) and larger portions of all drinks eg double shots are standard in most pubs. So you can see that a ‘standard’ drink contains a significant amount of calories from alcohol….and that’s not including the calories from mixers sugar in the alcoholic drink and then any mixers you have!

So all alcoholic drinks contain a significant amount of calories per serve, and we often have a lot more than just one serve! But how much damage does this do for your weight loss efforts? Well, in an ideal dietary plan you’d reduce your calorie intake by 300-500 calories per day to achieve a good amount of healthy weight loss per week. If this is your target then you can easily see that 1-2 drinks per day puts pay to any good nutrition plan you might follow during the day.

Simply said: 1-2 alcoholic drinks can seriously halt your fat loss.

Another way to look at the effect alcohol has on weight loss is to compare the equivalent time you would need to spend doing fitness training to burn these calories off! We’ll assume someone has an average fitness level and is of average weight:

Training time required to burn off calories from alcohol:

Alcoholic drink Walking Swimming Running Cycling
Beer (355ml) 30 mins 17 mins 12 mins 13 mins
Light beer (355ml) 20 mins 11 mins 8 mins 9 mins
Low carb beer (355ml) 23 mins 13 mins 9 mins 10 mins
White wine sweet (200ml glass) 40 mins 23 mins 16 mins 18 mins
White wine dry (200ml glass) 29 mins 16 mins 12 mins 13 mins
Red wine (200ml glass) 28 mins 16 mins 11 mins 12 mins
Spirits (on ice / neat) 13 mins 7 mins 5 mins 6 mins
Water 0 mins 0 mins 0 mins 0 mins



So you can see there’s a lot of work to be done if you have a few (or more) drinks. Think of all the blood, sweat, tears, and hard work that can go into a great fitness session….and how easily it can be reversed by drinking alcohol. Also, alcohol contains no essential nutrients and reduces the absorption of Vitamins A, D, E, K, folate, B I, and B2. As well, alcohol does not contribute to muscle glycogen, so you may be left short on carbohydrates, which you need in order to train hard.

What about the calories in low carb beer?

Low carb beer has become very popular. But how much difference will a low carb beer make to your calorie intake? Will low carb beers help with weight loss? An example here is called ‘Pure Blonde’.

Pure Blonde is a full strength beer. The combination of a great tasting beer and low-carb content is surely the answer many health and lifestyle conscious beer lovers have been seeking.

Sounds good, but does the beer live up to the marketing hype?! Pure Blonde contains 0.9 grams of carbohydrates per 100mL – a significant reduction to a standard full strength beer that on average contains around 20% more energy (usually 3g / 100mL). So you definitely save some energy intake by going low carb: approx 25 calories per drink…..but this really isn’t much!

Why not? The energy in beer and other drinks is from the alcohol. You’re MUCH better off going for light beers as the energy saved from the reduced alcohol content far outweighs the low carb idea. As I said, most of the calories in alcoholic drinks comes from the alcohol at 7 calories per ml, not sugar / carbs at all!

The tip is to make alcohol the exception rather than the rule. If you are serious about reaching your fitness goals, limit your alcohol, definitely don’t drink alcohol every day. Follow the 10% rule, only consume alcohol as 10% of your weekly food consumption.