Motivation to Train Along your whole training journey you will come across different challenges on why you cant train or cant eat properly, miss meals or just are completely unmotivated to train whether its from stress, plateau in training. The best motivation will not come from reading quote lines. As much as there are a lot of inspiring quotes out there, they will last a few minutes in your mind before you forget it. Your motivation and to stay consistent to your health and fitness goals has to come from your mind realizing the importance of why you are training. The reason the consistency is not kept with so many people is the goals seemed to high and no small steps were put in place to achieve them or they just weren’t that important to reach and didn’t have a strong connection as to why they were doing any this training and eating right. When I started training I was in school and just wanted to get an edge in strength and add some good size on my body, which made me feel pretty good. At the time this was a reason for me to get some good gains but with not too much structure. As a couple years went on and while I was a competitive sprinter there was structure for my training and nutrition which resulted in my training to get such good progress due to the fact there was importance I needed to get a result by a certain time to have the edge. The difference between just wanting good gains purely to look good and training for sports specific was such a higher driving force and keeps you a lot more committed. Take some time to think and realize why it is you are training and think about the importance of staying consistent to reach the goals you have set out to achieve. Once you have those goals in your mind and clear, do everything in your power to stay on track to reach them.