Maximizing Fat Loss

Exercise is the stimulus for the body to adapt to. An adaptive response from the body to exercise is decrease of body fat, increase muscle, cardiovascular fitness and general health. This is a basic overview of what is needed to be adhered to in order to get the best possible results for those looking to change their body composition and maximize fat loss.

Provide a Calorie Deficit Environment – Anyone wanting to lose body fat must consume less calories than they burn on a daily bases. When the body detects a calorie deficit, the body releases several hormones and enzymes for fat to be released into the blood stream and used as fuel by the body. Body fat is basically stored energy. Regular training and the appropriate nutritional intake can constantly signal the body to use its fat stores and preserve your hard earned muscle.

Protein – For fat loss one must consume protein as it is the building block of muscle. Protein in a calorie deficit environment will help tone and sculpt, enabling you to lose body. Inadequate protein intake whilst consuming a calorie deficit diet will eventually lead to muscle loss. Muscle constantly needs to utilise calories as it is always repairing itself from the stress it is put under from training and our day to day lives. This means the body burns more calories by holding more lean muscle making a calorie deficit environment much more achievable. Protein has a 30% thermogenic effect on food, meaning for every 100 calories of protein consumed, the body takes approximately 30 calories to digest and absorb. So protein can not only improve your muscle, but by consuming a higher intake of protein you can actually burn more calories.

Meal consistency – eating regularly for fat loss is absolutely essential. Our bodies will always find a way to adapt to what we expose it to. If meals are not frequent your metabolism will slow down as a survival adaptation to conserve energy and preserve life. By not eating consistently through the day or spreading meals too far apart your body will think food is not available. This will cause your metabolism to slow down and to store any excess food not needed as body fat. This is a primal survival response as the body is preparing for times of famine. Eating regularly will tell the body food is readily available, ramping your metabolism into overdrive, allowing the body to utilise nutrients as they are needed and support a healthy calorie burning environment, maximising fat loss.

Fluid Intake – considering your body is over 70% water, it is essential for many functions of the body. It is important in helping with digestion; the absorption of food, the regulation of body temperature and blood circulation, the carrying of nutrients and oxygen to the cells in the body, and the removal of toxins. Drinking water metabolizes stored fats, helps maintain proper muscle tone. Most importantly though, drinking water will prevent dehydration, which can have detrimental effects on the body. It is recommended that you should consume 0.033 of your body weight daily plus an extra litre throughout training.

Portion Sizes – Can make or break a good nutritional program. There is only so much the body can process and absorb at any one time. What food your body does not need when you eat will be stored as body fat, even protein. Be sure to portion your meals accordingly and spread them regularly throughout the day. The body then will use nutrients as it needs. This will put your metabolism in over drive and combined with a calorie deficit environment will ensure fat is used as fuel.

Resistance Training – Weight training is essential on order to achieve optimal fat loss and change your body composition. Resistance training provides stress to muscles which gives the body a reason to hold on to muscle. Muscles are challenging to maintain as they burn calories constantly. Holding muscle through weight training will increase the body’s basil metabolic rate (BMR). Your BMR is the amount of calories the body burns to complete every function in your body.

Cardiovascular Training – burns calories and increases the body’s cardiovascular output. Be sure to carry our regular cardio sessions as this will help fast track your body’s fat loss. Cardio training increase the body’s BMR and helps stimulate the release of fat to be used as fuel. Higher intensity cardiovascular training sessions such as interval training will boost the body’s BMR for up to 36 hours. This means the body burns fat during this time even if you are not exercising. For lower intensity fat burning sessions, the best time to do these are 1st thing in the morning or immediately after your weight training sessions. The reason is your body’s blood sugars are low so you can release fat as your energy source.

Sleep – Sleep deprivation increases a stress hormone known as cortisol, decreases the immune system, metabolism, energy levels and the body’s ability to reduce body fat. It is best to get at least 7-9 hours sleep a night. Sleep is where much of the repair and recovery is carried out by the body. Failure to get adequate sleep will prevent your ability to achieve optimal results.