Tips for proper Ab development

A strong core/mid section is essential for a strong foundation

Here are some essential tips:

Get your Nutrition on key
Expending energy during exercise is crucial to a revealing mid section but that is when your nutrition is balanced and getting the key proteins, fruit and vegetable, essential fats and other nutrient dense foods required topped off with your water through out the day.
Eat quality protein and essential fats each meal whilst timing your carbohydrates to times when you need them. e.g training times or other times you will expend a lot of energy.

Do NOT under eat
If you want to burn fat you must eat according to what you body needs and uses. As soon as you starve your body of nutrients it goes into defense mode and holds on to more causing fat gain, increasing cortisol (stress hormone) and keeping you bloated (more water retention).
Eating the right foods more frequently and what you body needs will ensure your generating more heat in the body to charge up that metabolism.

Keep up the big lifts whilst training
To generate the most amount of heat through out the body to help burn more fat you must stick with the big compound movements such as Squats, Deadlifts, Lunges, chin ups, bench presses etc.

Don’t bother with endless repetition of crunches.
Abs will respond better to slower controlled, higher load movements due to them being a faster twitch muscle.

Do more interval training
If you want your body to increase fat oxidation, which is the bodies ability to utilize more energy and break down stored fat then interval training could be for you. Performing interval training in the right way will burn more calories and a 24 hour period than steady cardio or endurance based work which will get your metabolic rate working more efficiently.

Lay off your Alcohol
As hard as it may be, cutting out those empty calories will allow your body to burn fat more effectively as opposed to allowing those empty calories to store in your body as FAT.

Get the sleep you need
If you want your body to utilize food more efficiently, have a charging metabolic rate, assist in balancing hormone levels, increase growth hormone production for cell reproduction the getting your sleeping habits is crucial.
Sleep will also assist you in better eating habits.