Fat Genes? Is it genetics?


Believing you are destined to be fat simply because of genetics is a total cop out for an individual to think. While genetics play a role, having that belief is a self defeating attitude.


The way you will lose body fat and keep it off is to firstly have the right attitude and believing you do have the ability to change what mother nature has given you. Secondly, of course you need to get your nutrition and training in order with a well designed plan to follow.


Lets take a look at the 3 Body Types and get a clearer understanding

On which type you are.



-The Pear shaped body

-Rounded Hips and Shoulders

Known as the type that holds excess body fat and retains it easier.

Endomorphs will usually have the harder time of the 3 body types to lose body fat with their naturally slower metabolic rate and being more carbohydrate resistant.

Even though the Endomorph does have the slower metabolic rate and more body fat naturally than the other 2 types it doesn’t mean they cant burn the fat.

Yes it tends to be a little slower but with the right fuel and training you will be teaching your body to burn Fat as fuel and see the leaner physique that you desire if that’s your goal.




-Narrower Hips

-Minimal Body Fat

The Mesomorphs gain muscle and lose bodyfat with ease.



-The hard gainer

Skinner than the other 2 types and finds it hard to gain muscle. This body type responds better in endurance activities.


Excess body fat you store in your body is primarily from the choices you make in your nutrition. Genetics are only one factor.

You need to take a good look at What you eat, How much you eat When you eat, Are you training right for you body, How hard are you training, how often are you training.

So as you can see excess body fat will be a result of not just Genetics but other influences in your life.


To get on track and start working towards the result your after is by accepting responsibility and realise its you that needs to change your ways of eating and training.


The way you think and what you believe is what will come of it.

You are the result of your own real beliefs.


Ill just finish off by saying if you have been on a program for sometime and haven’t seen the result your after don’t throw in the towel. There is always an answer for every body type to reach their desired body. Your genetics will dictate certain ways of training and athletic abilities that your body wont respond to well but there is always a solution for that.


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