Mindset and Attitude

Concentrating on the mental aspect is crucial for the physical side to follow suit.
Mindset is the priority! When your mindset is strong and you have that burning desire to achieve your planned out goal your spirit increases, your performance increases and progression happens.
On the opposite side of it when your mindset is in a negative state or can’t focus on the positive road ahead your body will follow and be dragged by your poor mindset.

When it comes to training and competition be prepared to realise that it comes down to your mental strength which will often win over just great physical talent so be willing to go through the hard work to progress to where you want to.
Training your mind and attitude can definitely be done. Consistency will be the key, which will cause change. The subconscious habits will be hard to break that have implanted from years prior but with consistent conscious efforts this can be done.

An accurate self-assessment can be done by exploring your own physiological and psychological characteristics but having a coach to discover what your really capable of reaching is invaluable for your results and lifestyle.

So when you realise what limits you can truly push it becomes very motivating and exciting to go even further beyond what you thought you could.
Train smarter, eat better, rest well, recover better, meditate for your mind to relax. Then you will see what your body truly can do.
This is what being an experienced coach is about: get in their clients heads and and create habits for them to realise they will become what they consistently do.

If your mind stops when it gets tough then no amount of training will get you to the place you want.