Weight Loss Pitfalls

Achieving your goal of that lean physique and shedding away that unwanted body fat comes with a lot of hard work and consistency.
Having the right balance of nutrition, training and recovery times is crucial for anyone wanting to see his or her desired result.

So even if you’re motivated and consistent it’s important to get the right balance and avoid some pitfalls along the way.

Here are a few to avoid:

Get enough rest
Get your sleep in! Get your 7-9 solid hours of sleep to assist in hormonal balance and better recovery times
Of course when the body doesn’t get enough sleep this will create an imbalance which will cause the hormones to get all out of whack, our bodies wont break down food as efficiently, inflammation build up, higher cortisol levels, insulin resistance can occur, slow down recovery from exercise, decrease protein synthesis and effect coordination and cognitive response.

Eat enough essential fats
I say essential fats meaning exactly that. Your body’s cells are made up of 2 layers of fat. Which fats will be up to you on which you ingest in your body! Good fats or Trans Fats. When your cells are made up of healthy fats your body will be more insulin sensitive.

Start your day with a protein rich meal
Making protein your priority macronutrient in the morning to start the day will set your body up to function optimally, feel more satisfied and full for longer, generate more body heat to naturally burn more fat, create better focus because of how protein affects chemical transmitters throughout the body.
Knowing that breakfast is the key meal that will set you up for the day you should get in a protein rich breakfast to set yourself up for a great training, working productive day.

Get you’re down time and lower cortisol levels
High cortisol is a direct link to fat gain (especially around the mid section) and will cause your body to be less sensitive to insulin.
Fat cells in the stomach are more sensitive to cortisol, and they are very effective at storing energy.
Keep cortisol levels down by exercising, getting enough sleep, eating a healthy diet and taking supplements and vitamins that support healthy cortisol levels.
Some supplements to consider is a quality B complex, co Q10, Zinc/Magnesium and Vitamin D.

Take care of your gut and improve food absorption
Taking care of your gut health has a big impact on your digestive system, immune system, mental health and blood pressure.
When you have your digestive system running optimally then you will have your body breaking down your food efficiently and moving towards your goal of losing body fat quicker.
If you have not been eating balanced whole food nutrition based diet or have been binge drinking from time to time and haven’t thought about your gut health maybe its time to think about getting a good probiotic and balancing your macronutrients/micronutrients.

Everyone knows that keeping hydrated is crucial for your body.
Proper hydration will not only keep your performance at 100% but it will help your body burn more fat.
Your body cannot get the result your after without the water intake required.
Spread your water intake evenly throughout the day because the timing is important with every nutrient you consume

Train with weights and not only cardio
Adding around 1kg of hard earned muscle mass on your body will in fact burn an extra 200 calories per day just to keep that extra muscle, as muscle is metabolically active
Weight training is a big weapon when it comes to burning body fat. (The more muscle you have you leaner you will stay)