Pushing day after day and living in a world where we seem to always on the run whether its training, eating, working and just everyday life with no break seems normal because it’s all around us. It’s not normal! Finding a balance and some downtime will give the mind and body time to recover, recharge, and rebuild. The final result will be a healthier and more balanced lifestyle.

During training, you are breaking down your muscles and depleting fuel stores. It’s during your downtime (recovery period) that the actual building of muscle occurs, making you stronger, fitter and more motivated to keep going.
It’s a good idea to get in a routine of creating a method for yourself which is stress the body in training, let the body recover and adapt and recover better for better results. It is easier said than done but this is the way you will be getting the better result in the end.

Some simple methods to do after your training is completed and the foam roller, an appropriate high protein/carbohydrate meal to fuel the body, Hot/Cold shower, stretching.
The focus should be on both physically recovering your body and mentally

Pushing day after day will only last up to a point then factors such as joint pain, injuries, lack of motivation/interest, performance goes backwards, you will burn out and the stress build up your body is not worth it in the long run. You want your health at optimal level so the balance of training and eating right is crucial.

Specific recovery time depends on the type of training you are doing so make sure your getting the right advice with the recovery time needed for you.

These strategies are relevant to anyone that is training and has a goal in mind of progressing to achieve that.
Give yourself time to recover and enjoy the training while staying motivated and excited.