Goal setting for you’re optimal result in Health and Fitness

Have you got a vision of what your desired body would be or what sort of Health you want your body in or even the fitness level you wish to be at? If so then well done and I hope your getting closer and closer each day to achieving that.

I believe that its not a common trait to have clear visions written down for what you wish to achieve when it comes to your health and fitness goals. It sounds simple and I’m sure everyone has a picture of what they would like in their heads but if there is no clarity with that goal or steps in place written down then it seems like a very distant road ahead.

We should all realize that your goal and what you wish to reach is a step by step process which will not happen overnight so patience will be a big thing to remember here. It is all too common to get that feeling of excitement when you decide to commit to a goal and you start strong until there is a hurdle thrown in front of you which slows you down or sometime it feels like it really knocks you down and that goal slowly becomes not as important to you or you get the negative mindset talking to you telling you that its too hard or I cant do this.
Well that’s we have all gone through and its these challenges that really gets us thinking was this goal unattainable or I like to think well lets look at another way to run through this hurdle and keep progressing towards what I want.
This brings me to the point of having and not losing the ‘I can” attitude to any goal you have in life but for the moment we will focus here on the health and fitness side of things.

Lets go through some steps to have in place and get these goals happening for you.

1. Start with your ideal goal.

Look at the bigger picture. Forget about everything in your life for the moment and write down your bigger picture Health and Fitness goal you would like to achieve.

2. Now that you have that goal to strive towards lets put some other goals in place.

Don’t keep these in your head alone. They need to be clear on paper. Clarity of these goals when written down will bring your excitement back.

3. Why are these goals important to you?

If they are not too important they shouldn’t be on the paper. Is it to feel more confident within yourself or a date of a challenge you would like to take place in or even saying something like I want to feel better towards the opposite sex. Make them honest as these are your goals and yours alone.

4. Make these goals as clear as possible for you.

Vague goals bring exactly that. Vague result! So if your goal is to, lets say
Run a marathon in 6 months well you would have to start with a program structured to build from running from as little as 1 km to start with to build up to 42km in that time. This will be a micro cycled program slowly raising your distance as the weeks go by and of course your food plan structured to give you enough fuel to keep going strong. Or it could be I want to be ready by summer to wear a bikini and feel good about myself. Great then get the steps in place with your food and training and constantly progress with getting you down to the body of your dreams. Once you know the direction and can see where the finish line is then it is far more exciting training towards it.
Don’t put things like get in shape. There is no clear vision there! Make it precise with what your after like I will be 10% body fat by 1st of December 2014 or ill have 2kg more muscle on my body by 1st of December 2014. Clear goals get results!

5. Which 3 Goals in order are your most important

Look at the goals you have written and write you’re most important. Which ones will impact you the most in life? That get you excited?

6. Target Dates

For each of them now add a target date when you would like by.
You need the target so when you start the process and move towards it you know when your getting it by.

7. Step by step planning

So now the plan is to take small steps towards the goals. Big steps will put you off track quick so look a small progression for big results.
You want a goal of 10% body fat and are at 25% currently. Next step is have a plan in place that gets you to 23%, then to 21% and so on. The overall picture is what you will always have in your head and never forget that one but take the baby steps first to get there. Don’t deviate from your plan as the excitement you will feel when your there by your desired date will be more than worth it.

So NOW follow your map that you have planned out and go get it done and don’t stop pushing. You are almost there. Commit to it and its all yours.

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