Junk Food vs Healthy Food options

Australia has quickly become one of the fattest nations in the world due to being an over-fed under nourished nation.

The western DIET consists of large portions of unhealthy food choices and quick food choices such as frozen meals and take away foods which lack nutrition and are filled with trans fats, excess sugar, chemicals, colours and preservatives to extend shelf life.
It is no wonder the nation is suffering from more sickness and diseases from all this malnourishment the body consumes.

Dangers of processing foods

Processed foods are when foods become man handled and altered from their natural state to include preservatives to enhance shelf life, taste enhancement, using cheaper ingredients to change texture, appearance and taste let alone adding ingredients to create potential health hazards for those who consume it.

Some of the basic methods of processing include:
• Over cooking
• Freezing
• Adding chemicals
• Adding fat
• Adding sugar
• Adding artificial sweeteners

So not only does this way of processing food deplete the nutritional value you ingest while eating but the amount of chemicals used have been known to cause health issues and allergic reactions.

Limit your food that has been frozen or pre cooked, foods with ingredients that you cant picture as a food source and be wary of canned or packages foods with extended shelf life

Now onto refined sugar

Its hard to disagree with the statements of sugar being a poison for the body when you realize the effects it has on your health.

Lets go through firstly what it is:
To refine sugar, it’s the process of extracting sugar out of plants (sugar cane and sugar beets).
It is then repeatedly washing, boiling, filtering and drying the plant pulp until its only the raw sugar that remains which is 95% sucrose.
Then to get the white table sugar that is most common gets further processing with bleaching agents and carbon dioxide added only then to be added to water and filtered again to purify and whiten it some more.
There is no nutritional value whatsoever in sugar.
Sugar is considered simply empty calories which is correct considering it has no vitamins, minerals, proteins, fibres.
Sugar has been known to deplete Zinc levels from the body, which therefore can minimize your sense of taste causing a need to sweeten foods for satisfaction when eating.

Here is a list of health problems sugar can cause based on scientific studies that have been done for many years now.

• Refined sugar can increase triglycerides and this has been linked to hardening of the arteries, increasing risk of heart disease and stroke
• Suppress your immune system
• Depletion of vitamins and minerals
• Hypoglycemia
• Insulin resistance
• Drastic mood changes due to chemical imbalances
• Loss of tissue elasticity
• Hyperactivity
• Lack of concentration
• Mood swings
• Anxiety
• Interfering with absorption of important minerals
• Tooth decay
• Diabetes
• Food allergies
• Cell degeneration
• And the list goes on
Fact: In the last 20 years consumption of sugar has gone from 6 tablespoons a day to 16 per day (over 200gms more per day)

The list of refined sugary foods include:
Soft drinks
Ice cream
Chocolate bars
Fruit juices
Breakfast cereals
Processed meat
Frozen foods
Energy bars/drinks

Ways to STOP eating excess sugar
1. Don’t add it to foods. Don’t be fooled by “healthy sugar” disguises. Brown sugar, sugar, raw sugar … it’s all pretty much the same thing as far as your body is concerned.
2. Make a real effort to reduce or eliminate processed carbohydrates.
3. Keep your foods based on whole, food sources as opposed to packaged or canned foods.
4. Watch out for “fat-free” snacks as these are generally packed with sugar
6. Become a food detective and start learning about what your putting in your mouth
7. Beware of artificial sweeteners.
8. Limit all soft drinks/ fruit juice. Its packed with sugar


Your body needs fats to function properly. We are all aware some fat in our diet is essential for our well being but we need to be able to know what fats can do to our body.

Being aware of what fats in our diet are essential for our well being and what fats are clogging up our arteries is an important fact to know as getting the right essential fats in your diet is a must.

Fats regardless of type will cause your body not to function right and cause fat gain.
Fats serve many functions in our body and are critical for your health. They supply your bodies tissues such as your heart and liver support of new cell growth and regulating your hormone production.

The fats we will talk about today are considered fats your body doesn’t not need and should try and avoid or limit.


Trans Fats are processed fats and they are also used to preserve shelf life in some packaged foods.
Trans fats are usualy found in processed foods such as baked goods, icing, margarine, potato chips, cookies, crackers, microwave popcorn and your fried foods like French fries, fried chicken and battered seafood.

Why should you avoid these foods?

They are linked to a variety of health risks that include:

• Higher Bad cholesterol and lower good cholesterol
• Increases blockages in arteries
• Increases risk of diabetes
• Increases body fat
• Makes you fatigued and lacking energy
• Imbalances hormone production in the body
• Lowers concentration level

High fructose corn syrup

High fructose corn syrup is also known as corn sugar which is commonly used in soft drinks and certain take away foods and processed packaged foods.
This is the most common added sweetner in foods and drinks.

High fructose corn syrup is just as bad as refined sugar and you should limit your consumption.

Some reasons why are:

• Increase risk of diabetes
• Increase risk of Body Fat and obesity
• May be harmful to your liver
• Limiting concentration levels

Foods you will find High Fructose Corn Syrup in are:

• Baking and cooking ingredients
• Soft drinks
• Fruit juice
• Energy drinks
• Muffins
• Doughnuts
• Breakfast cereals
• Candy bars
• Health bars
• Cakes
• Frozen foods
• Dairy toppings
• Children’s cough syrups
• Some sauce products
• Ice creams
• Jams/syrups
• Salad dressings
• Meat sauces

Eating Healthy food options

Why do we even need food? Calories! These are tiny units of energy that your body uses in order to function. Our calories come from the nutrients in food that include proteins, carbohydrates and fats.
Depriving your body of carbohydrates, proteins and fats, is quite harmful.
A healthy balanced diet is always the best approach and will allow your body to function more efficiently in terms of Growth, Brain function to help you concentrate better, cell re-growth and energy.
You should consume a balance of foods coming from all food groups to maintain a healthy body.

A good balance of foods will include

Fruits and Vegetables, which contain vitamins and minerals for your body to function at its best.

Whole Grains which a packed full of fibre, vitamins and minerals to keep you satisfied for longer and keep yours energy at a steady rate through out the day as opposed to hyperactive for a short time then falling to tired state which comes from sugar intake.

Protein, which is crucial for Growth and repairing of tissue in our body. Protein will keep you fuller and more satisfied for longer.
Keep your protein coming in to keep your body strong and healthy.

Lean Beef

Fats coming from Fish,
mixed nuts,
oils such as olive, coconut, macadamia.
Natural nut butters

Complex Carbohydrates
Carbohydrates are an energy source for your body that your body needs to functions organs such as

Include healthy options such as:

Long grain rice
Sweet potato
Whole grain bread
Wholegrain wrap
Wholegrain rolled oats

So if you develop poor eating habits and it will be like taking poison which you know will destroy you slowly but surely. On the other hand, eat the right food and you will be developing a strong immune system, supplying your body with the desired nutrients while at the same time keeping yourself from some of the most common sicknesses.
Nutrition plays a very important role in your entire life and im here today to give you the basics as to why. Whether if your young, or an adult, there is no denying that nutrition is an antidote that will help you deal with multiple problems that many people have today.
Just eat right and keep the right balance and you will be the one reaping the benefits.