Training frequency by Chris

Training frequency differs from other various self-pursuits in a way that is limited to your body’s ability to recover. For example; we could easily put a solid 8 hours of studying in prior to a test and still benefit during those last couple of hours. However, doing resistance training for 8 hours straight would not benefit you anymore than an hour. The reason for this, is that the body is placed under pressure (load) and intensity, which causes the breaking down of muscle tissue. So When you exercise, you are breaking down muscle tissue which creates a demand to re-grow stronger. Every time those muscle fibres (tissue) are torn, the density and quality of that muscle improves, allowing you to get stronger and push the same weight with less effort.
This is where training frequency is so important. Depending on your personal goals, whether it be increase strength, lose weight, get fit, etc. training frequency would depend on the persons gender, method of training choice, magnitude and intensity training loads and genetic make up. Ideally, You should never train the same muscle group until it has completely recovered! If a muscle group is sore, it means the muscles are still recovering. This means that it has not yet reached its stronger point. To train a muscle group too early, you’re cutting the recovery process short, which means your muscles wont be at their full potential and possibility of injury.
When creating a program with all these factors, you ideally want a program, which separates each muscle group in different days, Most common is a 5 day split. All muscle groups are trained over those 5 days, some even train the muscle group twice in 1 week. Like mentioned earlier, it all depends on the clients goals.
Another factor to think about when talking about training frequency is CNS overtraining. What is CNS; its central nervous system. CNS overtraining can almost happen to anyone, regardless how old or young, fit or unfit.
What causes CNS overtraining: its usually caused from a program that has too much volume, too much intensity and too little rest. Simple solutions to combat CNS overtraining, is how you approach your life both inside the gym and out. Firstly, a good program would have adequate down time between workouts. Secondly, sleep more. Sleep is your bodies prime tool to repair. Thirdly, supplement the body right. If your immune system is weak, it wont allow your body to cope with the training demands. Fuelling your body right, allows your body to refuel and recovery in the best possible way. Fish oil and glutamine, are great supplements to help your bodies built-in defense system.
When determining the right training program for you, make sure you take into consideration everything that has been mentioned in this article. Biggest thing is to make sure you have goals set, your program is tailored around those goals, allowing for adequate training, rest and supplementation. You need to find what works best for you. Listen to your body, if your sore or tired, look over your program making sure all these factors are considered.