Why do I need Antioxidants?

Toxins/Free radicals cause oxidation while antioxidants prevent oxidation.

When your body is in a toxic state your body builds up a lot of stress and raises cortisol which starts to cause nasty effects on the body such as breaking down muscle, water retention, limiting your immune efficiency, decreases bone density, decreases cell regeneration, and the body’s ability to heal itself and ward off illness is considerably slowed down.

Basically anything that has to do with living can cause free radicals. Any stress we put on our bodies can cause free radicals. Other sources are polluted air, stressful event, processed foods and intense exercise.

Antioxidants are substances that prevent or slow down the oxidation process and are needed on a daily basis to prevent this build up of toxin in the body.

You should always be aiming to eat a range of different coloured foods as they differ in the types of antioxidants so it is important to have a diet that is rich in all food colours to ensure that you are getting adequate amounts of each antioxidant.

The key to this article is to really be aware of what you are putting into your mouth throughout the day and really think about what you are eating at times of stress and if it is the appropriate food to keep your body working at an optimal level