Nutritional Guidelines

An example of some Macronutrients to include in your plan.


Proteins                                           Carbohydrates                       Carbohydrates (cont)

Eggs                                                 Apple                                       Baked Beans

Fish                                                 Apricot                                     Bread (Grain)

Poultry (skinless)                         Blackberry                             Brown Rice

Meat (lean)                                    Blueberry                               Cereal (High fibre)

Kidney Beans

Soya (tofu, tempeh, soybeans)                                                    Muesli – Raw

Nuts (almonds)                             Cherry                                     Rolled oats

Dairy (Low Fat)                            Fig                                           Sweet potato

Grapefruit                                Wholemeal pasta


Vegetables                                                                                      Sauces and Dips

Alfalfa Sprouts                              Lemon                                      Hummus (1/4 cup)

Artichoke                                       Lime                                         Basil Pesto

Asparagus                                                                                       Tzatziki (1/4 cup)

Avocado                                         Nectarine                                   Olive oil (1 tbl)

Bamboo Shoots                            Orange                                      Flaxseed oil (1 tbl)

Beans (Green & Kidney)            Paw paw                                    Tandoori

Bok Choy                                       Peach                                         Balsamic Vinegar

Broccoli                                          Pear                                           Tomato Sauce (1 tbl)

Brussels sprouts                            Plum                                        Spices and Herbs

Cabbage                                          Raspberry

Capsicum                                                                                       FATS

Cauliflower                                    Strawberry                             Almonds

Celery                                            Tangerine                               Avacado

Cucumber                                                                                      Canola Oil

Eggplant                                         Drinks                                   Cashews

Leeks                                              Water                                     CLA

Lentils                                            Coffee                                    Fish Oil

Lettuce                                           Tea                                         Flaxseed Oil

Mushrooms                                                                                  Linseeds

Onions                                                                                           Olive Oil

Peas                                                                                                Sunflower Oil

Radishes                                                                                        Walnuts





Water chestnuts
