21 Days to your new Mindset for LIFE!

How many times have you told yourself you will start your training next week or start eating better tomorrow and that tomorrow turns into 2 weeks, 2 months and 1 year passes only to realize you haven’t accomplished a great deal towards your health and fitness goals you set out for.
We all are guilty at some stages in our life of this!

With these warmer months kicking in and the sun shining it’s a great motivation to get started today and not leave it until tomorrow, Wednesday or the next day. Today is the day to take action!!!

Change does not come easy. It takes time, effort, motivation and a lot of hard work to stay consistent to your positive changes.

So today I thought id challenge you with a Habit Challenge that goes for 21 days.
Why 21 days?

The reasoning behind 21 days is to create short-term habits that you can build on. It’s no magic number about forming a permanent habit. It’s all about creating short-term habits to build consistency and keep your short term goals ongoing with regular planning (micro cycling) which in time will build to reaching your long-term goals.

There will be phases you will go through with creating these habits:

1. The feeling of excitement and knowing how achievable it is.
Your motivated! You start with good intentions!
That motivation does fade as time goes on which will bring you to keep consistently looking back on your plan you have set out and why you are going to stay focused on this habit to achieve the long term Goal.

2. As I just mentioned the excitement does fade and a common mentality will be I couldn’t be bothered and old habits creep back in. You need to recognize why you are doing this and think of one step at a time not making overwhelming for yourself.
Ask yourself how will you feel if you achieve this? Ask your self how you will feel if you don’t?
Feel that positive excited feeling again and bring that emotion into play. If you feel you cant get excited again then your reasoning isn’t strong enough as to why you want it. Be honest with yourself and get a reason so strong that when you look back each time it will keep you focused and moving forward.

3. Disruptions along the way. No one will have smooth sailing along the way. As written above you must look back on why you are focused and remember your health is a priority. Everyone has disruptions in life. It’s the excuses people make as to why they CAN or CANT follow through.

Just remember along the way its never easy for anyone to strive for the next level and does take a lot of effort but make the journey along the way enjoyable and keep rewarding yourself with each milestone because what’s the use of keeping pushing when you cant enjoy the milestones along the way.


Make a commitment to yourself to achieve your new habits regardless how many times you back at it. Stay Consistent!